


Superior service we provide notice that many reputable companies and individuals with whom we work well for a long time.

Interested in our services? Let's get in touch!

You're planning an event and you're interested in our services? Please send RFP via this form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

Basic information

Our company was founded with the desire to enable professional and consulting organization in selecting the best technical solutions for all types of events. All knowledge and experience we have decided to share with you, and also to find new solutions and implement new ideas.

Services provided by the company BO-MAH Ltd. covers all solutions for events which include: lectures, presentations, conferences, celebrations, concerts, events, trade fair exhibitions, audio and video, fashion shows and many other events that might indicate, but is basically similar to all these.

Such events have similar demands in the implementation, of course depending on the size, and among others are: securing electrical connections, setting the stage decoration, or in some other way, using sound and lighting, video projection, ...

Larger events, among others, and require a reservation of space for the event (Hall, squares), obtaining the necessary permits, physical and technical protection, insurance, catering, and all this can be described as services that we provide or propose to our permanent partners.



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Many years of experience in sound, at the various acoustic requirements of the hotel room, museums and concert halls, open spaces and squares, indicated the absence of universal solutions sound.

Depending on the number of guests, events and the size of which is being held, the possible musical artist, we are free to offer an option that meets all the acoustical and technical requirements.

Each application has its own specificity, and we let you choose the ideal solution to the optimal use of technology.

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Ova grupa usluga obuhvaća sve tipove snimanja, distribucije i reprodukcije video sadržaja.

Video projekcijske sustave dijelimo na:

• projekcijska platna s prednjom ili stražnjom projekcijom
• LED ekrani s visiokom rezolucijom i po danjem svjetlu
• plazma displayi 42", 50" i 63"

Uvijek se pojave novi zahtjevi, a danas je skoro normalno snimanje konferencije s više kamera, montažu i konačni uradak u DVD formatu, uz istovremeno korištenje nekih od projekcijskih sustava na koji je spojena Vaša prezentacija.


Lighting, both in concerts and at events, has become very sophisticated, and the type of device, we can divide the classical (PAR 64, PAR 56th ..), LED lighting and smart devices, which include all types of head moving devices , colourchanger and scanners.

The type and choice of lighting sets the price, but in all it should pay particular attention to the vicinity of the source and intensity for electricity connection.

Requirements for the use of intelligent lighting are now increasingly common - for projiciraje logos of companies or products to the walls, and changing the colors and templates to change the atmosphere in space.

Classical and intelligent lighting to complement each other, and today is the use of intelligent lighting has become "classics"!

Note that the "little things" that appear in our business are very important, and the overall impression can be very easy to break without thinking about them in advance.

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Stage, small or large, placed indoors or outdoors, do not differ much.

Using the element of 2x1 meter 1x1metar, aluminum construction with an upper anti-slip plywood impregriranom multi-plate and telescopic legs, your fate will be flat regardless of uneven terrain on which is placed

The client is one that requires the size and height of the stage, perhaps in a few levels, covered with a carpet color, or simply want Plexy the floor to you to decide

The choice and usage EUROPODIUM stage, the more you can get information on http://www.europodium.com./ .

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Years in business we deal with, made possible by the use of equipment with its functionality and quality best suited to our needs. This gives us the right to recommend to potential buyers and procurement of equipment which represents the highest quality solutions for them.

World famous manufacturers are available in our market without any distinction whether the microphones, headphones, sound systems, acoustic devices and dynamic audio signal processing, flight caseovima, aluminum construction, stage lighting and sound systems nasače and telescoping tripods.

We are authorized suppliers of renowned companies including the famous:

Sennheiser - microphones, headphones, wireless microphones, translation systems
For more information: http://www.sennheiser.com/sennheiser/home_en.nsf

MC ² - top quality amplifiers that use systems of Turbo Sound, Function One, Coda Audio
For more information: http://www.mc2-audio.co.uk/

EUROPODIUM - stage, aluminum construction, fence
For more information: http://www.europodium.com/

FANTEK - telescopic tripods, Aluminium constructions and mountings
For more information: http://www.fantek.net/

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Kraljevička 5010000 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel: 01 5577 955Fax: 01 2456 704
Mail: Web: www.bo-mah.com
Boris Mahovlić

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