
Croatian national theatre Split


Theater building constructed in 1893. years, since 1940. The HNK Split operates as an institution. With opera, drama and ballet ensembles HNK Split fully prepared and performed musical theater and drama program contemporary works, and works from national and world music-drama and dramatic heritage.
2Meeting rooms
150Min room capacity
654Max room capacity
600Largest meeting room (m²)
Croatian national theatre Split

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Basic information

Besides the regular activities of preparing, organizing and running two national theater festivals, and Split summer festival of Croatian drama and words Marulićevi days. The central theatrical institution in Dalmatia and is one of the largest and oldest theaters in the Mediterranean. In her part of the small branches and a scene 55th Is engaged in publishing activities, issuing and theater izvankazališnu literature, theoretical works, theatrical encyclopaedia, stage list, newsletters, programs, posters and similar theatrical prints.

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Meeting rooms



Maximum capacity: 150. Area: 200m²

Velika dvorana

Maximum capacity: 654. Area: 600m²

Equipment and services

  • Video projector
  • WiFi
  • Laptop
  • TV
  • DVD/Blu-Ray player
  • Copy machine
  • Printer
  • Scanner
  • Fax
  • Sound system
  • Microphone
  • Wireless microphone


  • Catering
  • Decoration
  • Photo services
  • Video services


-City centre(m)
2Bus station(km)
2Train station(km)

How to contact us

Trg Gaje Bulata 121000 Split, Croatia
Tel: 021 344 999Fax: 021 361 260
Mail: Web: www.hnk-split.hr
Renato PranićSlužba marketinga
Tel: 021 322 344Mob: 098 362628Fax: 021 306 913
Croatian national theatre Split

Interested in this venue? Check availability and prices!

You're planning an event and you're interested in this venue? Would you like to know more about availability and prices? Please send RFP via this form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

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