


Interested in our services? Let's get in touch!

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Basic information

Tvrtka EURO-TON d.o.o. sa sjedištem u Karlovcu svoje poslovanje usmjerila je na područje audio tehnologije, iznajmljivanja audio i light opreme i produkciju zvuka i svjetla na eventima.

Dugi niz godina ljudski resursi i oprema EURO-TONA nezaobilazni su na domaćim pozornicama, pri realizaciji mnogih znamenitih događaja ili koncerata eminentnih domaćih izvođača.

Using high quality equipment for the world-renowned manufacturers you can:

Do a full production sound and light (sound and lighting) in open or closed areas,

Offer rental services:

• professional audio equipment,
• lighting equipment (primary: 80 per 1kw lamps par64, 4 Blinder, moving head, martin merchandise, effects: laser studio and studio due (c1), LED lighting (20 par64 1kw, Blinder 4)
• stage (stage with natkrovom dimensions 4x5m, 8x10m, 10x12m, area of ​​20 to 120 m2).

Part of the equipment that we have seen the link you can offer the equipment.

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Velebitska 1647000 Karlovac, Croatia
Tel: 098 247 449
Mail: Web: www.euro-ton.com

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