
Dugi otok - History

Dalmatia - Zadar

Dugi otok (Long Island) is an island of diversity and contrast, and the largest island in the North Dalmatian islands, with a steep south-western coast, a series of stunning cliffs and coves, among which are Sakarun Park and Nature Park.

Long Island is the meeting place of man, nature and interesting monuments. Curiously the island's ponds where water collects, and there are all Dugi otok place, like the ancient theater. Do not be surprised to meet your walks with the remains of monuments from the Paleolithic - remains grave stones, the Illyrian age - stone mounds, or the Roman era - Villa rustica in Small Proversa.

Long Island was first mentioned in the mid 10 th century by the Byzantine Emperor Constantine to him in his work De administrando imperio ˝ ˝ states under the name Pizuh. Furthermore, early 11 th century the island was in the written sources called Insula Tilagus and the name preserved in the name of the bay-bay, now Nature Park.

The island was inhabited very early as evidenced by archaeological finds from the field and Krševanjeg Veli Rat, which originate from the old and the Middle Stone Age (Paleolithic and Mesolithic). The island has the remnants of Illyrian settlements (Omišenjak, Koženjak, Veli Brčastac ...) with or without a hill properties (Vrtlaci), then there are numerous piles (Gominjak, I heard the field ...) and a cemetery on the flat. (Long field).

The ancient period witnessed numerous remains of pottery fragments scattered, small monuments (sarcophagi, votive monuments) and the remains of commercial buildings (villa rustica), among which considerable attention should be paid to the economic complex in the Small Proversa. And votive monument of imperial goods Euhemera in honor of the goddess Diana who indicating the existence of the imperial estates in Žmanskog lake.

Early Christian and pre-Romanesque period is accompanied by numerous churches, many of which are well preserved, like the church of Sv. Peregrine at Savar.

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