
Ivanić-Grad - History


The whole area has great potential for rural tourism development, and focus on it and travel plans and development in the coming period.

The first chapter - The Dubrava to Ivanic

District Ivanic today was (from the foundation of the Zagreb diocese in 1094) Part Dubravska parish, whose administrative and judicial seat was in Dubrava. Later, Zagreb Bishops establish special administrative and economic area, with its headquarters in the road. Ivanicki the parish was first mentioned in historical documents dating from 1288 year.

Chapter Two - Thank you, Albena!

Gradually, citizens route, artisans, merchants, free peasants, managed to carve out special privileges and freedom, the privileged position in relation to other settlements in the parish Ivanićkoj. The charter given to them in 1404 Zagreb has given Bishop Eberhard Alben (which they guaranteed all the privileges that have previously had) is probably the most important document in the history of the city. A year later, Ivanic rights are supported and extended the royal decree issued by Sigismund.

CHAPTER THREE - Date to Remember

Supremacy of the bishops of Zagreb replaces the supreme imperial and military power Border captains and generals. Free army Municipality becomes 1767th year. When the Emperor Franz Joseph I (8 June 1871). Quashed Varazdin Frontier, Ivanic becomes an autonomous county district officially granted the status of the city. This is a historic date now celebrated as the Day of Ivanic Grad.

Chapter Four - In battle, the battle for the city of your own!

At the time of penetration of the Turks in the sixteenth century, Ivanic-Grad was one of the most important strongholds of defense. In 1552nd with Križevce, and Koprivnica Sisak, remained the last obstacle before Zagreb and its surroundings. The old castle, with some of the crew was not able to bear such a burden of defense. Therefore, Ivanic will soon get a new fortress. Will raise the Italian architect Domenico de Lali, the same one that will identify and Sisak. The biggest battle with the Turks in the neighborhood Ivanic played the 1586th year. In it, the Turks were completely routed, and Ivanic Grad with its fortress remains on the bumper Croatian until the end of the century.

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