
FlairShow Cocktail Catering


Thanks to the foreign education of our employees, outstanding references and experience gained so far, cocktails prepared in accordance with the latest international trends and standards.

Interested in our services? Let's get in touch!

You're planning an event and you're interested in our services? Please send RFP via this form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

Way of serving cocktails

Cocktail Catering "Classic"

Cocktail Catering classic preparation of cocktails.
Classic cocktails preparation is made without the attractive part, ie the preparation of cocktails will be presented and serviced at a professional level without the classic elements of attractive / throwing bottles and other accessories for cocktails.

Cocktail Catering "FlairShow"

Cocktail Catering attractive preparation of cocktails.
Attractive cocktail preparation consists of a series of animated motion handling with bottles and shakers during the preparation of cocktails and is supplemented with egzibicijskim barman's show, along with the more numerous surprises animation / confetti, balloon, and animation snow animation.

Types of serving cocktails:

Tables - serving cocktails at the tables with an exotic interior

cocktails are served on tables that are decorated with exotic shade and tablecloths,
further with palm trees, palm leaves, egozotičnim detail, fresh fruit / etc
The length and width of tables for a cocktail station: 2.40 to 3.20 * 80cmŠankovi - serving cocktails at the glowing bars with exotic interior

Bars - serving cocktails at the glowing bars with exotic interior

cocktails are served at the bars of glowing plexi, which are regulated by exotic
with palm trees, palm leaves, egozotičnim detail, fresh fruit / etc
Note: Colours of light-colored bars can be tailored to your company.
The length and width of the bars for a cocktail station: 2.70 to 3.60 * 80cm

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Zagreb, Croatia
Tel: 091 5055 762
Mail: Web: www.flairshow.com
Dražen Pribičevićvlasnik
Mob: 091 5055 762

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