

Strmec Samoborski

Recently receptions are a part of our offer. Like all other work, dedicate their attention, starting with the selection of the very ingredients used to the dishes.

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Chef Stephan Macchi

After four years of schooling in a school of tourism and hospitality and the acquisition of 3 degrees, for the first time I worked in Switzerland, with an exceptional chef, Eric Levy, who was in the years that followed he became my best friend and valuable advisor to the culinary philosophy. Then I had a chance to become part of the culinary brigade, headed by internationally renowned chef found: Patrick LENÔTRE, in Paris, who took his two stars for quality in the prestigious Michelin Guide gastro earned at the age of 27 years, then there was Jean-Marc Banzi from "Clos de la Violette, Aix en Provence, which currently has 2 stars in the Michelin Guide and Reine Sammut in the restaurant by Fenière in Lourmarin, also bring home the two stars in the Red Guide.

The story takes place in Croatia, when the capture time, you can track its constant change on the website www.stephan.hr .

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  • Kašmir promet
  • Kanadska ambasada
  • Portugalska ambasada
  • IGP Štefanović
  • Australska mabasada
  • Veleposlanstvo SAD-a
Ulica Jasena 1910434 Strmec Samoborski, Croatia
Tel: 01 3379 801Fax: 01 3379 801
Mail: Web: www.stephan.hr
Stéphan Macchidirektor i kuhar
Mob: 091 596 5515

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